A Course to True Miracles 

In this course you are not required to adhere to any specific faith. We are just here to remove blocks. Once the blocks are removed, then your journey will take you to your destiny. Truth to Awareness does not infringe on free will, but in reality, no one has a free will. It is just an illusion, until you remove the blocks. The ego has taken over and controlled the free will of the 82%. As we stated before, you do not control your emotions. The emotions from your lower self-control you. The 18% have a gift that is called critical thinking and the 82% lack this ability, because of social engineering and the blocks of the ego. This lack of critical thinking has destroyed our world. In this course we have the remedy.

“Because of the stress of being a secret service agent, my marriage was in shambles and headed towards a divorce. In a very discreet manner Tommy showed me how to put my marriage back together.” 
Secret Service Agent- Washington, DC

I have been asked many times; Why is it you never get sick? The simple answer is that I am not religious. And my Christed seed empowers me each month. I came to realize a long time ago that religion is a false positive and it takes the human mind deep into deception. It robs the gift of awareness. What the religious 82% do not recognize is that religion kills the concept that the spirit is life, the mind is the builder, and the physical is the result. As stated previously in the religion section, the purpose of religion is confusion and that confusion destroys infinite knowledge and wisdom. Whatever is accepted will continue. Man does not know what he can’t see and Truth to Awareness will show you “The Way.”

“Because of Tommy I have not been to the doctor since the birth of my last child, which was 28 years ago. I have had no diseases and rarely a cold.” 
Debbie Trivett- Mooresville, NC

The political system, the economic system, the medical system, as well as the religious system, are on the path to destruction. The 18% are bringing light to who and what is the root cause of the world’s problems. We as a collective are awakening our brothers and sisters to the highest form of reality and that reality is the truth. The greatest challenge for the lower self-individual is coming out of the lie and accepting the reality of truth. These individuals do not realize through their negative emotions, which they live out of every day, that they are participating in a form of mental illness, which derives from the insane emotions inherited at birth. Thus, the individual will waste their whole life trying to figure this out. Because of this weakness of the individual, the 1% that rule have been able to achieve destruction in their lives without them knowing where this havoc comes from. Let us at True to Awareness help you embrace who you really are.

“Tommy and his team helped save me from a brain tumor and helped me lose 80 pounds. In my darkest times he has always been there. I will not talk to a doctor before I talk to him.”
Mike Campbell- Myrtle Beach, SC

Everything we do at Truth to Awareness is very private and very discreet. We are very much committed to your complete privacy. When that commitment is clear, a desire arises from that commitment and the methods we use present themselves. This can be summed up in one of our favorite phrases: “the willingness to do creates the ability to do.” We help our clientele become spiritual billionaires, emotional billionaires, and health billionaires. When these three come together with the right commitment and a here and now reality, you will have a great family dynamic and create great financial wealth.

“A CEO friend of mine connected me with Tommy and his team. I had a pacemaker put in because my heart was failing. They showed me how to reverse the damage and bring my heart back up to speed. It saved my career.”
Discreet – Actor of the movie Shawshank Redemption


-Two weekly one-hour phone consultations.

-On call emergencies Monday-Friday 

-15% discount on all store products.

-Thirteen-month program.

-Twenty 99.9% Silver coins.

-Fee $9700.00


-Three weekly one hour phone consultations.

 -On call emergencies seven days a week.

-15% discount on all store products.

-Thirteen-month program.

-One 99.9% Gold coin.

-Fee $12,700.00


-Five weekly one hour phone consultations.

-Seven days a week emergency access.

-18% discount on all store products.

-Fifteen-month program.

One extra year in Health Coaching

-Twenty 99.9% Silver coins

-One 99.9% Gold coin.

-Fee $16,900.00


-Five weekly one hour consultations with owner and staff.

-Help to set up management systems.

-Help design sales and marketing.

-Help improve customer service.

-Five days a week emergency access.

-18% discount on all store products.

-Fifteen-month program.

-Twenty 99.9% Silver coins.

-One 99.9% Gold coin.

-Fee $41,000.00

Heal your Mind Free your mind