Donate/Child Sex Crimes

Stand Up For The Children

For the past 30 years, Truth to Awareness has been working to bring attention to the worst crime of the century, child sex trafficking. Our small but powerful little team is in the process of securing a global network and reach, leading prevention strategies, restoration programs, and justice initiatives to combat child sex crimes in the United States and abroad. Child sex crimes are the number one crime in the United States and in the world. It is a trillion dollar industry that touches the height of our government, Hollywood,  CEOs, teachers and more.

Truth to Awareness’s approach to battle child sex crimes is awareness and prevention strategies, restoration and empowerment, and justice through legislative action. Because of the movie, The Sound of Freedom, the movement against this invading darkness is starting to get some traction for the first time. We can’t defeat this monster without your help and as the light is starting to shine and awaken the whole world, we are filling in the gaps to try to save as many children as we can. So if you feel moved to help, please do. Thank you for reading and thank you for your help.

Truth to Awareness