End of Life Consultation

oxygen chamber


Patients who are near to passing are still alive. Most individuals usually have all the emotional problems they have always had. The image of passing growing up in front of them, does not obliterate everything that went before. Family concerns persist. Money problems have not evaporated. Of course all the issues that were there before are still there. If an individual is depressed and anxious before entering the hospital for the last time, that experience has made these symptoms worse. The fact of passing throws these other problems into the shadows, but they erupt from time to time; and in the very end they are what troubles the passing patient the most. 

Character is the principal determinant of the way someone lives and ultimately passes. Behavior during the time of passing grows naturally out of everything that has gone before. At the end of life, those who are passing are still the same person they have always been. Therefore the same things matter to them. For that reason there has to be a perfect balance to meet their particular needs. We at Truth to Awareness would be happy to do a no charge consultation for you or your loved one. We believe life is a celebration and the end of an individual’s life should be honored and celebrated. While we always encourage grieving the focus is more centered around celebration than sorrow. We know that grief is the price we pay for love. If we can be of any service please email us truthtoawareness@gmail.com or call 1-888-510-9950.

Truth to Awareness