Oxygen Chamber

oxygen chamber


HBOT enhances your body’s natural healing process and strengthens the immune system. We pressurize our chambers with 100% pure grade oxygen in our state-of-the art chambers. This results in oxygen dissolving into the plasma for up to a 200% increase in blood oxygen concentration. The hyper-oxygenated plasma then reaches all areas of the body where circulation is restricted and oxygen levels are insufficient (including your solar plexus, brain, and bone), and allows the body to address other conditions including the following…

  • Help heal the gland in the solar plexus and reverse diseases.

  • Heal the gland in the solar plexus and reverse the aging process.

  • Helps increase oxygen production in the brain and helps reconnect neurons.

  • TBI and PTSD-enhances the brain’s ability to regain neurological function (neuroplasticity).

  • Radiation injury of soft tissue and bone-HBOT is the only therapy which will repair the damage to normal tissue caused by radiation therapy.

  • Non-healing diabetic wounds- heal wounds quicker and reduce amputations by 43%.

  • Bone infections (osteomyelitis)- resolved in 86% of these cases, greatly decreasing amputation rates.

  • Immediately oxygenates tissue that is oxygen deprived.

  • Act as a signal inducer of DNA for over 6000 genes, turning on good genes and turning off bad genes.

  • Reduces pain 

  • Heals lymes

  • Greatly reduces swelling and inflammation.

  • Mobilizes and stimulates the body’s own production of stem cells by 800%.

  • Stimulates the development of new blood vessels (angioginnesis) where circulation has been compromised in soft tissue and bone.

  • Helps alkaline the blood.

  • Promotes collagen, bone and cartilage repair and regeneration.

  • Stimulates the body’s immune system to fight infections.

  • Stimulates the mitochondria (the brain) of the cell to enhance energy production (ATP).

  • Makes certain antibiotics work better.

  • Rebuild and enhance athletic performance 

  • Increase the production of glutathione and superoxide dismutase which is one of the body’s antioxidants and free radical scavengers.

  • Reversal in biology of aging- telomere shortening and Senescent cells accumulation- reverse with HBOT THERAPY.

  • Reverse age-related cognitive and functional decline.

  • Help heal erectile dysfunction.

  • Cognitive enhancement of healthy older adults using HBOT Therapy.

  • Improve quality of life.

At Truth to Awareness we’re dedicated to forwarding the true science and awareness of the Hyper-Oxygen Therapy, as well as all of our therapies. The perfect combination of high dimensional thinking and exceptional health brings an individual into their own perfect destiny. Email truthtoawareness@gmail.com or call 1-888-510-9950 to discuss pricing and purchasing your own HBOT equipment to use in the comfort of your own home. For clients only 15% off all HBOT equipment and 10% off for the first thirty individuals who just want to purchase the equipment.