Let us start by investigating one of the greatest discoveries: Quantum Physics. This science is so spectacular that man can’t even corrupt it, they can only hide it. Therefore, Quantum Physics is the only true science. Nikola Tesla, the greatest quantum physicist to ever live said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” What is happening in the universe, is also happening on Earth. As it is above, so it is below. Nikola Tesla also said “Our brains are only receivers, in the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.” The universe consists of electrons, neutrons, protons and atoms. Every single thing on Earth is made up of that matter: electrons, neutrons, protons and atoms. Therefore everything is one in the eyes of the Creator.
Let us now reconcile “The Teaching” paragraph in the introduction with Quantum Physics.
You are a creation that consists of electrons, neutrons, protons, and atoms… the very same matter that exists in the universe. You now know that your brain is a receiver which can obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration from the core of the universe. The universe has maps of energy fields (negative or positive charge) that are tied into different dimensions, frequencies, and vibrations based on conscious awareness. Let us simplify this even more. Every organ in the human body is physics. You have heart physics, brain physics, lung physics, and the great mystery: the solar plexus physics. All activities which are taking place in the Cosmos also exist in a human body on a subtle micro-scale.

Energy is life and life is energy. Every individual on this planet is connected through energy. We are all connected whether we like it or not. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred from one state to another. The mind of a 3rd dimensional individual always thinks in negative energy patterns, even if they try to think positively, those patterns never change in the 3rd dimension. The 3rd dimensional individual lives out of low vibrations and low frequencies. Therefore, because they live out of those low vibrations and low frequencies, they will never obtain the life that they so desire.
The 4th dimensional individual transferred from a 3rd dimensional state of being, by developing enough conscious awareness to release themself from the prison of the 3rd dimension. The 4th dimensional individual became aware that they could not change the energy field, but they could change their own state of consciousness and by doing so their brains inherited a high rate of vibrations and frequencies. They went from low to high. Therefore that individual achieved a higher level of skill sets that produced a better quality of life.
“With the right energy, you are always one decision
away from a totally different life”
Energy itself, in modern terms, does not seem sexy, but it is always a hidden component. For example, let’s look at a toaster. A 3rd dimensional individual will purchase a brand new, beautiful toaster and will be excited to go home and toast the bread, but will never give thought to the energy that makes the magic happen. So now let us look at the human cell. A 3rd dimensional individual will drink coffee to receive caffeine so they can get energy to make it through the day, but the individual with a higher state of consciousness understands that the human cell, given the right kind of attention, will then produce the right kind of energy, so that the individual can have a better quality of life. Energy is life and life is energy. Now watch the short video, then journey to phase 2.