I would like to start out with a disclaimer. We are in no way attacking your faith. We are only here to enhance it. Let’s look at the word Babylon. This word originated from the Hebrew and its original definition was and is “religious confusion”. The Hebrew and the Greek original definition of the word religion is RE-LEGION – Creating legions to divide and conquer. Creating legions of people who fight against each other. Therefore, religion is the creation of bondage and 82% of the world lives in complete religious confusion. I think John Lennon said it best: “Can you imagine a world without religion?”
“ Religion destroys Spirituality “
Your creator, your heavenly father, source, or God, whatever you want to call him, hates religion. He is not the creator of it. It originated from the darkness. Jesus came here and attacked it and the religious community hated him because of it. Buddha came to fight it. Krishna came to fight it. The Native American Indians and the Aborigines hated it. Religion is the great deception.
“ Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every
Noble enterprise, every expanded prospect. “
Council of Nicea


The Anti-Christ
The very first primitive Christians were called the Essenes. They were responsible for the true gospel and they were the genius group who were given the responsibility of the lost knowledge and transcribing it to what we know today as the Dead Sea scrolls. They could also do amazing feats such as manipulating energy, bending time and more. They were called and chosen to hold the deepest secrets of the truth.
In 325 AD, Constantine, the pagan Roman emperor, a monster in human form, “Worse than Nero”, and the beast that came back from the dead in 1914, the Roman Catholic Church and the fake Kharizan Jews, called all these degenerate fake teachers of christianity together at the Council of Nicea. Constantine was so vile that he murdered his own mother and boiled his wife in oil, because they held the truth of the original doctrine of the Essenes. They would not renounce the true gospel. Constantine, along with leadership of the Catholic Church and the fake Khazarian Jews, sought to concoct a plan to change the word of God.
Constantine and the Council of Nicea removed the majority of the books from the Bible. They purposely left only 66 books to represent the anti-Christ number 666. They changed the laws and “The Ten Commandments“. They changed the time and they changed the days of the week and months of the year. They changed the letters, which changed the meaning of our words. They removed certain words and replaced them with their meaning in the Bible and in doing so they had completely rewritten history. Constantine and his rubes saw the only way to perpetuate the infamy was to keep the world in ignorance and darkness regarding the operation of the cosmic law. That is why they changed the time and seasons.