Your mind is the most amazing concept that exists in all of the world. “It’s the mind stupid.” The 78% believes the brain and the mind are the same. That is the downfall of the 78%. The 18% know the brain and the mind are opposite. The brain is physical, the mind is a hologram. The great secret to thinking. The human race is going to start to develop mental abilities over the next century. How does one do that? The secret is undoing the ego. The ego blocks 20% of the brain power capacity. That is a lot of power.  

For example, let’s discuss dolphins. They use twice as much of their brain capacity as humans do. That’s the function of their superior awareness. “Truth to Awareness” Dolphins can read your thoughts and know what your intentions are. They can even tell what kind of person you are. We know now that dolphins have their own language, which the greatest scientists in the world can not figure out on a computer. Their communication is to advanced for the human race and dolphins communicate by mental telepathy with each other. 

Dolphins can read your thoughts and know whether you’re peaceful or full of mental conflict. They avoid those who are in conflict, unless to help save someone from drowning. They know it’s the conflict that leads to violence, which is why the always gravitate to gentle beings. So it stands to reason that dolphins, not humans, are the most intelligent beings on the planet. But since they lack thumbs and fingers, they don’t make tools and they wouldn’t make weapons even if they could. Science now is getting more advanced and people will understand, the block “the ego,” as it is removed will give us the ability to communicate and develop this kind of power like dolphins. We will acquire their skills of mental telepathy. The 18% are already developing it.

What does this mean? By definition the human mind will grow in it’s awareness. People are going to become more intelligent and more advanced, and in some aspects the human race will become better in general. On the other hand, the world is a world of the ego and duality. As long as the ego exist, you will have setbacks and tragedy. Nothing ever comes easy to the ego, unless it is tricked into complacency. True mental power and true peace can only come by undoing the ego. A secret hidden from the masses.