What is it that the 18-20% of people in the world know, that the 78-80% do not know? They know how to undo the ego. There are self-help teachers, scientists, and other gurus out there (pastors, ministers and priests… don’t even know what it is) who will teach you that you should make friends with your ego, that sounds sweet and all, but the problem is that your ego is not interested in being your friend. Your ego wants to kill you. 


The ego is not an I, or a We, or an Us. The ego is an It.  Simply put the ego is not you. The ego is the root cause of every problem, every fear, every stress, everything that is negative in every individual’s life. It has its own identity. The ego is an It and you are an I. The 18-20% (and growing) understand that the ego is an It and that they are an I. They have been able to establish that in their live’s and remove the suffering.


The ego’s power comes from a belief in separation from the creator. (This is fully explained in the course). The ego identifies with the body and sees the world through the eyes of the body. This is why people are so focused on the body. It is their ego. It also loves to identify with worldliness that saturates into materialism. The driving force of the ego is the energy of negative emotions that the 78-80% live in every day.


This blog has given you something that most people never find out in a lifetime. It is giving you shortcuts on some of the features of the ego, that is making people’s lives miserable in one form or another. The ego’s ultimate power source is that it keeps you in the illusion of the separation model from your creator. Therefore, keeping you in an unconscious state of judging, which drives you deeper into unconscious guilt. This is why when one stops judging, they will stop the pain. This course will help you recognize the ego and undo it. That is why this course is a miracle.