In the 1880’s there was a rich rancher who lived in Texas. He was not a particularly spiritual dude, but he was very good at manifesting abundance, making some of his neighbors suspect that the two things weren’t necessarily connected. He did claim to be a Christian, but his actions in the world made this claim a doubtful one. 

One day, a poor farmer who had no food sneaked onto the rich rancher’s land and stole one of his chickens, so that his family could eat. He was caught by one of the ranch hands and brought to the rancher. There were a lot of things the rancher could have said, but all he said was, “Hang im! It’ll teach ‘im a lesson.”

A couple of years later, a man from Mexico was trespassing on the rancher’s land. He was very poor and hoping to find a new life. What he found was the rancher’s men, who took him to their boss. After looking the trespasser over, all the rancher said was “Hang ‘im! It’ll teach ‘im a lesson.”

There were many episodes like this in the rich rancher’s life, in which he never stopped to put himself in other people’s shoes but simply reacted in anger and judged and condemned them, usually ending with the phrase “Hang ‘im! It’ll teach ‘im a lesson.”

Then one night the rancher’s body died, and he saw himself going upward to the pearly gates of heaven. The rancher was hoping that no one would recognize him and maybe he could just walk in. But right before he got to the gate, St Peter stepped in front of him and said, “wait a minute, Jesus wants to talk to you.”

Now the rancher was very worried. He remembered some of the things he had done in his life, and there he was, about to be judged by Jesus himself! Suddenly the rancher was shaking in his boots. Jesus appeared, walked slowly up to the rancher, looked him right in the eyes, and then said to St Peter, “Forgive ‘im. It’ll teach ‘im a lesson.” Jokes by: Gary Renard 

Each and every day the 78-82 percent have no clue that they are living in a mindless unconscious state. It’s a thought system that is a river of thought that flows and flows, and never stops even when you are sleeping. This thought system is your teacher, your God, your pain, your love, your depression, your hate, your fear, your everything. The master of your life. “Your Ego!”  Edge God Out!

The ego is a dominant power. So dominant in fact, you can’t tell it is dominant. The original Jesus (not the organized religion one) who walked on this earth taught individuals the secrets to undoing the ego.

The three great power sources of the ego are, the ego mind, the ego body, the ego world. That is how it maintains all its power. So, the question one would ask themselves is “what would the ego use within its three power sources to execute its control?” Within its construct it’s going to use unconscious guilt, unconscious judging and unconscious unforgiveness to keep you in the mental blocks.

The 78-82 percent have been brainwashed into partial forgiveness. A good example would be when a man or woman is caught in an affair, and they have to ask for forgiveness to save the relationship, and if the other person agrees to forgive, they may forgive, but you are going to hell. That is not even close to forgiveness. That is partial. They simply cannot forgive and forget. Forgiveness like this can never forget. The ego will not let it. The 78-82 percent can’t forgive and forget. Very sad, but very true. No religion in the world can offer understanding or help you get understanding, because it is the blind leading the blind. The ego in some words is defined as ingenious, mischievous, insane. Every emotional pain and sadness you have in this life is because of the ego. Nothing more, nothing less. It is not bad luck, not Satan, not wherever the wind blows, but it will always be the ego, and we can help you undo it. The thing that creates all the blocks to holding you back and keeping you from having as they say, “The peace that surpasses all understanding.” Truth to Awareness hopes the 78-82 percent are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Truth to Awareness loves the course. It’s the world’s King of King’s, and as consultants we live it and breath it, because the 20 percent know it is life. But there is a second concept to help you fight in this life, and that is the “Sacred Seed.” We live it. It works to stay very healthy and thrive. But only the course can undo the ego and there is nothing in the world that can do it, but A Course in Miracles.


Truth to Awareness