Nobody, no one will ever undo the ego without the correct understanding. Reading a blog or newsletter will not undo the ego. Simply cannot be done. A church can’t undo it, a drug can’t undo it, a priest can’t undo it, a psychologist can’t undo it. The only person who can undo the ego is only you. You are the only one who can undo it, with the proper understanding and application. “An untrained mind can accomplish nothing!” 

We live in a duality world. Our planet is a duality planet. A world of good versus bad. Or as the church would say good versus evil. This duality world consists of gay versus straight, men versus women, white versus black, right versus left, rich versus poor, uneducated versus educated, etc, etc….  In the world of duality, the ego flourishes. The ego produces the good and the bad that comes your way. Through sowing and reaping or karma, which ever you would like to call it. All of life is set up around karma or sowing and reaping. The ego has a very clever way of setting you up and then taking you out. The 78-82% of the world does not even know the cause of their mishaps. 

The ego thrives in a duality world. One of the ways it does this is through judging. We are taught not to judge, but that teaching is insane because it can’t be done unless you undo the ego. You judge only because the ego does all the judging. It is not you; it is the ego mind. It loves to judge perpetually. But you are the one that has to experience all the pain of it. If an individual can stop judging that individual can stop their pain. At Truth to Awareness, we always say, “The safest place you can be in the world, is where you are never judged.” How the ego drives you to judge others is through the dominance of the sub-consciousness mind. You don’t even have the awareness that you are judging others and judging yourself. The radicalness of this truth is that you do not train the brain or the body, but only the mind, which cannot be seen nor touched because it is beyond our senses or anything physical or quantifiable.

The reality is that the ego blocks and binds you through deception. People are born with the ego intact then it plays itself out. The only way to inner peace is to undo it.