The ego’s specialty is changing the truth. The only solution an individual has, is to undo the ego, or the ego will continue to undo the truth. It can’t help it. That’s what it does. It’s like a survival machine, and the 18 -22% do not even know that it is taking place, each and every single day of their lives. It simply edges God out, “EGO”. It keeps the mind in separation from the truth, and the 78-82% do not even know it is happening.

Are you stressed? Ego! Are you fearful? Ego! Are you worried? Ego! Are you sick? Ego! Are you angry? Ego! Are you overweight? Ego! Do you live out of guilt? Ego! It is all ego. If you undo the false you, which is the ego, then the real you would be all that’s left.

The real you is already perfect. You don’t have to struggle to be the real you. You do not have to evolve. What needs to be done is to remove the barriers to the experience and the expression of that perfection. Incidentally, your perfection has nothing to do with anything in this world, but something that is not of this world. To win in this life, you have to undo the ego. Since the beginning, the world has spent a staggering amount of time and money to figure out how to end the world’s ills. Always trying to find answers on crime, economics, politics, health crisis and so on. But so far, we have solved none. Why? Because the ego always changes the truth. You must undo the ego!